Thursday, May 26, 2005

I know why God keeps us busy.

I finally found out why man is engrossed in so many endeavours like science, arts, astrology, tarot, occult, religion etc etc.
This is my theory:
Basically man is a thinking animal. (By man I mean mankind, women think two times more than an average man, I feel). If left to himself, he will ferret out the cause of life on earth, the beginning, the end, the past and the future. He will think and think and go on with research and a linear process will lead to the inevitable i.e. the solution. THE FINAL SOLUTION. Where did we come from? Why are we on this earth? Who am I? Why does life behave in such a way with me? Why is life so unfair? What, if any, is the ideal character – honest or dishonest? / Practical or idealistic? Then again what is idealistic? etc

So in order to confuse and prolong the process of finding the Final Solution, GOD, or who ever we find responsible for this mess called life, has put in what I call – Random Variable/ Element. This is the one where luck, destiny, stars, chance, coincidence or bad karma comes in. These elements are put in just to distract and distort the real situation. As soon as some one comes close to the real solution or the right track, he dies or something happens which changes his mind or people condemn him for being a mad man. This is so because he was too close for comfort.

These Random Elements behave as the name suggests. No one can predict or presage such events. One thing I believe to be true is that only time these variables show up is when some one is doing an excellent work, beyond a certain level of mediocrity – generally accepted as geniality. If man thought out his way, then to whom will he surrender? In front of whom will he bow? Can any one stop him from being ego-centric?
It will be a curious world to live in; curious, as I don’t want to label it as unethical, dangerous or ideal, without experiencing it. This poem would throw some light on our world today and the one who tries to get out. Either that or suck you into a dark abyss of confusion.

A Curious World
No one can know it unless it comes true,
And no one wants it but a few,
For the rest it’s all the same,
They have resigned to being lame.

Here a spark flies,
To start a wild fire of passion,
Before it kindles, it pours,
To river of ashes turns our hope.

The one who stands tall to it,
Has to crumble under pressure,
Has to kneel down to some one,
Feel the need to surrender.

Such is the maya of this world,
To search and defend the truth he dies,
After his death it’s forgotten,
For whom his body lies.

All in wane and wasted,
Nothing worth fighting for,
Live each day in your dazed numbness,
And die one day, careless and faceless!
- Neil