Thursday, July 26, 2007


Evolution came to my mind due to a series on TV which talked about how the world was formed, how massive changes happened to make the present happen. It seemed fascinating though it was old knowledge.

Kind of gave me new perspective on the recent past. How have I evolved? Is it possible to evolve in such a short time? Can life be changed so drastically that whatever you learn from it and what ever you change about yourself can be called as evolution? Don’t know and no one would answer this question.

From the corner of the world, it really feels all at sea! Can’t explain my own decisions so it’s virtually impossible to know what others were thinking when they acted the way they did.

Some how here all seem to have lost the depth, the philosophical aspect of man. Most locals act like dimwits and the migrants behave as if disillusioned and confused. The ones that enjoy are partying too hard and losing their dignity every weekend. And those who are slogging are losing their souls every week just for that paycheck.

Those who have found the security are careless about what they do, how they spend, and more importantly how they help the seekers. They immediately join the faceless, emotionless swathes of settled people with useless advice to distribute freely. They forget how hard it was except when trying to frighten the FOBs (Fresh Of the Boat).

All this has led me to believe in the power of knowledge and information to a large extent. The real evolution will be when no information or knowledge will be hidden from anyone. Would love to be in such a world where all people make choice with absolute knowledge. And absolute knowledge like, the absolute truth only exists in utopia.

So cheers to utopia, drink on, you are evolving!