Thursday, May 26, 2005

I know why God keeps us busy.

I finally found out why man is engrossed in so many endeavours like science, arts, astrology, tarot, occult, religion etc etc.
This is my theory:
Basically man is a thinking animal. (By man I mean mankind, women think two times more than an average man, I feel). If left to himself, he will ferret out the cause of life on earth, the beginning, the end, the past and the future. He will think and think and go on with research and a linear process will lead to the inevitable i.e. the solution. THE FINAL SOLUTION. Where did we come from? Why are we on this earth? Who am I? Why does life behave in such a way with me? Why is life so unfair? What, if any, is the ideal character – honest or dishonest? / Practical or idealistic? Then again what is idealistic? etc

So in order to confuse and prolong the process of finding the Final Solution, GOD, or who ever we find responsible for this mess called life, has put in what I call – Random Variable/ Element. This is the one where luck, destiny, stars, chance, coincidence or bad karma comes in. These elements are put in just to distract and distort the real situation. As soon as some one comes close to the real solution or the right track, he dies or something happens which changes his mind or people condemn him for being a mad man. This is so because he was too close for comfort.

These Random Elements behave as the name suggests. No one can predict or presage such events. One thing I believe to be true is that only time these variables show up is when some one is doing an excellent work, beyond a certain level of mediocrity – generally accepted as geniality. If man thought out his way, then to whom will he surrender? In front of whom will he bow? Can any one stop him from being ego-centric?
It will be a curious world to live in; curious, as I don’t want to label it as unethical, dangerous or ideal, without experiencing it. This poem would throw some light on our world today and the one who tries to get out. Either that or suck you into a dark abyss of confusion.

A Curious World
No one can know it unless it comes true,
And no one wants it but a few,
For the rest it’s all the same,
They have resigned to being lame.

Here a spark flies,
To start a wild fire of passion,
Before it kindles, it pours,
To river of ashes turns our hope.

The one who stands tall to it,
Has to crumble under pressure,
Has to kneel down to some one,
Feel the need to surrender.

Such is the maya of this world,
To search and defend the truth he dies,
After his death it’s forgotten,
For whom his body lies.

All in wane and wasted,
Nothing worth fighting for,
Live each day in your dazed numbness,
And die one day, careless and faceless!
- Neil


Anonymous said...

Say bugs, u have some reasoning .
Why don't u brood over this next time around for a change??
Is it really worth ur time trying to find a truth that u may well not like once u were aware of it?
Ignorance can really be bliss sometime.
Aren't u happy with the way things r right now?
Do u really believe that knowing the truth could be better and not worse ?
And then some day were u to really find out all the answers that u seek , then what ?
won't it be really boring then?
u won't be surprised by anything nor will anything excite u anymore, ur joy might not be as sincere and innocent as it might be now however trifling the occasion may be and sorrow may not be as deep as it would be now.
I mean u will then be hard pressed to find a good enough reason for life it self.
Just like u mentioned it is the element of randommness that holds us so much in awe of everything around us, do we really want to presict the course of time???????
Perhaps u could convince me of a reason for ur thinking what u do think, and answer atleast some of these questions

Nomaswap = Swapneil said...

I only want to say that all your questions and answers are rendered invalid by one statement.You are assuming that the final truth will be unpleasant and there will be nothing to look forward to. Why can't it be the state of Nirvana or something similar where you are at a constant bliss and happiness for eternity. Isn't it worth fighting for? And why do you need a reason for life after you have found it out already.You will be contented.

Nomaswap = Swapneil said...

The solution for me involves constant state of excitement, happiness, bliss, innocence, confidence etc. All positive emotions at the optimum level. Problem with today's world is man finds temporary solace when a negative emotion subsides- thats mediocrity.But the question is why indeed do we need negative emotions? Complete consciousness known as supra-conscious state makes you one with the universe - where you are the creator and destroyer. Theres no ego cause it comes from identity of an individual, but we are one as well as whole of universe so ego dies its own death.etc. the topic is lenghthy to explain, if u can post other questions i'd be happy to answer or write a blog for it. thx.

Anonymous said...

I am assuming nothing.
In the same way then aren't u assuming that the final stage will indeed be one of such constant bliss and happiness.
THat apart once u have found everything u seek then nothing will remain , What questions will u have then since all have been answered ?
Isn't our journey one pertutual struggle to learn more to see more to feel more?
what happens when have nothing more to see or to learn or to feel.
And even if my happinness is mediocre and temporary it is atleast sincere and innocent,i do not whant to scrifice that innocence for wisdom, however enlightening it may be, and why should we be afraid of sorrow that we should so seek to find means to abolish it altogether, isn't it because we know sorrow that we know of happinness isn't it a case of yin and yang? And then because there is ignorance do we seek enlightenment , what would we seek when we are all knowing? that's my reason for life we can find a course to our lives only when we r dissatisfied right? Trust me i am very unambitious but i certainly don't want to rust away in the perpetual glow of satisfaction
What's more I don't have to analyse and tear apart every feeling that i have occasion to feel, i can revel in that temporary peace with much more solitude than u can, coz u must always have a why to answer.Still that is not being satisfied altogether, for i surely have occasion to be sad the next moment, and so the cycle goes on. THen would u like to spend ur time in searching for resons instead of being grateful for those moments of bliss that u r lucky to have been gifted by life.
There r those who seek answers that they know will lead to more questions and there r those that seek for answers to end all questions and u r one of the latter.

Nomaswap = Swapneil said...

And wht should one be always seeking? you may want the suffering always but i dont! its a question of enlightenment versus ignorance. you choose to be happy in your ignorance, i choose to find the enlightenment. Having said that you must realise now that i too am struggling to find those answers but pondering about it, hoping for positive things!and it is a very common human quality - hope.
no one said your happiness is mediocre and its not you against me here, fella, please! i wanted to convey that today instead of going for the gold, the ultimate, people seem to be tired of the struggle and choose to be in their comfort zone.
also i have said iin the blog itself that God has put in these random elements to keep us searching which kind of agrees wit what you are trying to say.i dont see any major difference in the larger picture, just that our perspectives are different. one chooses contentment, i choose struggle for a cause, and feel sad that those like me are punished for their zeal to up the ante!
again this is not you against me, so think again before getting all judgemental.;)

Anonymous said...

Hey common don't misunderstand me man, nothing's personal i know that nor am i getting judjemental, It's just a discussion about our philosophies about life and iam man enough not to take any offence at anything.
But say, u did get that right, i do want to be content in my ignorance while u want enlightenment , it is just the kind of enlightenment that u seek that i don't quite understand , imean all of us want to know why the winds blow and whay apples fall down instead of rising upwards.
But then science and enlightenment go hand in hand, i heve always held life to be the most wonderful achievment of science or narture or whatever u call it, and so i make a distinction, i mean i would like to know how we came about and all but that is just a technical aspect, now the space that u wander into is beyond that ian't it?
Let me put a very honest question and mind u this is no rebuke,
Do these states of mind like happyness and sorrow and such others really have an ultimate explaination as u seek ?
I know there r causes and one may certainly deliberate over them.
we seek explainations where we know for sure that they indeed exist , r u sure this is the case here?, again no assumptions , but then u and people like u would struggle to search for what u seek and i would be happy for u if u should find it but how do u know for sure that the struggle is indeed worth it, The quest for finding a solution to the beggining of life is surely worth all the struggle that has been suffered for it because we know for sure that we did not drop from heaven and all that stuff, but such efforts are under assumpton that there is no god. U seek for god's own secrets those that he has not confided into anybody (excepting the buddha perhaps)
why don't u write a blog on the specific reasons about ur wandering off into these dimensions of life?

Anonymous said...

Btw is appy with me?

Anonymous said...

I find a lot of contenment in hope dear appy for that mater


dear bugs,
my being female is an error i have to rectify...i am "DEFINITELY MALE".As far as the sympathy part goes...well i don't want sympathy but answers.But i think that some day if we sit around a table we will have a lot to talk...please take that as a compliment.

Because half my 80% of my life has been spent in dealing with incompetents...10% in thinking and the rest 10% in learning how to think.

I sincierlt wish that there were a lot many people like you out there...and blame the spelling mistakes on this keyboard.

and one more thing.I Don't mail every day to prove that we are freinds etc. but yeah do mail me when you really get stuck on a thread of thought...and solution eludes....may be i will be able to help.
with hopes and smiles,

Nomaswap = Swapneil said...

Fenderis said:Do these states of mind like happiness and sorrow and such others really have an ultimate explanation as u seek ?

I sincerely don't know! But one thing is for sure that the process of searching for the truth is life for me.And as they say, the process is sweeter than the end product i.e. if you dont find it till the end of time or whtever the end is.
Another thing, i have no doubts about God's existence, just want Him to share the good things with us and quickly...hahaha!

Nomaswap = Swapneil said...

Hey rainmaker, point taken.
I didnt mean to offer sympathy.
And yes I surely would like to meet fellow brooders like you, perhaps an interesting conversation may get us closer to our own truths!
btw you didnt comment on the blog. keep in touch.

Siddhu said...

Er...I've got a simple solution. Its pithy and fits in on a bumper sticker.

Well, here it goes -

'Smoke weed everyday'


Nice post, sorry for being a philistine. :)

Jormund Elver said...

I like to follow the Meatloaf philosophy:

Who am I? Why am I here?
Forget the questions, someone gimme another beer
What's the meaning of life, what's the meaning of it all?
You gotta learn to dance before you learn to crawl
So sign up all you raw recruits, throw away those designer suits
You got your weapons cocked, your targets in your sights
There's a party raging somewhere in the world
You gotta serve your country, gotta service your girl

Not quite as profound, but works pretty well. Especially the beer part.

Nomaswap = Swapneil said...

thx siddhu and jormund i didnt understand urs!
i already do follow siddhu's option and i know it works ;)

random_rambler said...

hmmm.. pretty late in posting and probably no one would read this..but i came across this just now....well... why do we choose enlightenment over ignorance? cos its in our instincts.. its in our instincts to be curious.. cos that is the only way we can survive maybe... jsut as a baby is curious..and have learnt at lot ... like if we look back..would you rather have known as much as you do? or would you have rather stayed ignorant.. as steve jobs said.. you cannot connect the dots forwards..but you can connect them backward.... the pseudo proof that disproves ignorance is bliss is tht..the moment you moved away from any ignorance you were a happier man (/woman) :)

random_rambler said...

and god is just an assumption....
but maybe one day we will find out :) ill keep looking and maybe when i find out i wont need to tell you.maybe i wont need anything then..maybe.. well.. maybe

Nomaswap = Swapneil said...

thx for the comment and ur opinion rambler, was a bit busy. cudnt undertsand the 2nd comment. and agree with most of wht u said in the first.